Monday, March 17, 2008

Learning the ropes of gardening

Spring is officially here. There are a few plants in our yard making a colorful appearance. It's really fun because I've never seen our house in the spring or summer, so everything is a big surprise.

So, gardeners out there... I'd like to learn the name of the plants in my yard. Please help.

What kind of plant are these? The blooms look bigger in this photo than they really are in person. They are really tiny, almost lavenderish.

Daffodils, right?

The first bloom on this tree appeared this past week. The entire tree is FILLED with buds so I'm super excited to see how this completely changes the look of our house. (The tree is right in front of our house.)

Also, this weekend we debuted the lawn mower! (I watched and pissed Brian off by snapping photos of the momentous occasion.)

More photos to come as the yard fully embraces spring.


Lacy Kemp said...

I want to come over and see what you have in your yard!

Anonymous said...

i can confirm that those are indeed daffodils

Anonymous said...

i'm pretty rotten when it comes to plant ID but i am fairly sure those blue flowers are bluebells--or at least that's what i've heard them called. and i *think* that the pink flower might be a camellia.

Anonymous said...

the pink flowers are indeed camellias - so pretty, but wilted so fast!

Anonymous said...

Krista! The blue flowers are grape hyacinths...useful knowledge from working at Corbis.

Krista Kenner said...

Corbis sucks.

Teresa @ good-grace said...

Such gorgeous plants up there in the Northwest. I'm terribly jealous. (nothing has started budding/greening around here except the winter wheat.)

kristafaye said...

GoodGrace, where do you live?