Friday, September 7, 2007


It' s hard to think about spring just yet - I'm getting so excited that it's finally cooling off at night and fall is on its way - but I was looking at Fashion Week photos today, and well, I just wanted to post some to-die-for outfits.

I'm really happy to see that navy is going to be in next spring because somehow, all of the sudden, it has become my new favorite color. I am way over the sailor/boating phenomenon but I am loving navy in non-nautical ways.

I wore a completely navy outfit today. Navy shirt, navy pants, navy toe nails. This probably breaks every fashion rule somehow, but I get kind of obsessed with things.

Anyway, on to Fashion week. Here's some pretty outfits, some of them showcasing the glory of navy.

Adam Adam Lippes:

Gen Art: (I love this cream dress, below)

Karen Walker:

Rag & Bone:

Lela Rose (by far my favorite of everything I've seen):

What is this scratchy graphic fabric called? I love it.

Jeremy Laing:

Okay, and these next two are also Lela Rose and Jeremy Laing , respectively, but they deserve a special call out because they are so beautiful they made me shudder:

I love a classy lady.


Camilla said...

Karen Walker? Yes, please <3

Anonymous said...

Is it me or do those first 5 looks look like Calvin Klein circa 1990? Not that that's a bad thing- think Gwyneth Paltrow back when she was dating Brad Pitt. Am I right?