Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A tribute to keyboard cat

Today is officially the hottest June 3 ever. In Seattle, at least.

That sort of record isn't taken lightly. That's some heavy shit. A blog post on June 3, 2009 deserves an equally important record.

What about cutest cupcake ever? I think so.

Seattleites...the general population..... look no further. Meet, keyboard cat (the cupcake):

This was our friend Katie's most amazingly delightful 34th birthday present. Designed and created by Charra (who by the way, is up for, like, top cake decorator of the world contest - literally) this gem brought many laughs and tears of joy to the attendees of Katie's birthday party on the eve. of May 30th.

And just because I ate it right after this photo was taken (3 minutes ago) doesn't dimish its staying power. Keyboard cat (the cupcake) will be with me -- with us -- forever. And for that, we have only Charra to thank.